Where to report cybercrime in Argentina

Where to report cybercrime in Argentina?

We have several national and international consultations about the help centers and complaints departments where to go in case of receiving any type of harassment, threat, blackmail or being a victim of grooming, sextorsion or any type of crimes that involve the use of new technologies.

Where to report cybercrime in Argentina?

* Technological Crimes Division of the Argentine Federal Police: Cavia 3350 1st Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. Tel. 4800-1120 / 4370-5899. Email: delitostecnologicos@policiafederal.gov.ar

* In the area of the City of Buenos Aires (CABA), you can also resort to: Special Area of Telematic Investigations of the Metropolitan Police. Av. Reg. Patricios 1142 2nd, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. Tel. 4323-8900 Int.4008 / 4009. Email: telematicas_pm@buenosaires.gob.ar

* In the case of possible crimes related to privacy or protection of your personal data, you can also resort to: National Directorate for the Protection of Personal Data (DNPDP). Sarmiento 1118 5th, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.

* Before contents of injurious character in Internet, it will be able to appeal to the: National Institute against the Discrimination, the Xenophobia and the Racism (INADI), employee of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights. Moreno 750 1st. floor (C1091AAP), Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. Switch: 4340-9400. Free assistance 24 hours a day: 0800 999 2345. Email: 0800@inadi.gob.ar